While the title of this article is official, it comes from a non-English source. If an official name from an English source is found, the article should be moved to its appropriate title.
The Toss Boys can be seen in the sky environment with slightly changed appearances. The gameplay, as well as the song that plays, are the same as they were in the original game. It is however more difficult.
Perfect!/Ace!: The ball is tossed to the person whose name is called. If at the end of a set, Kii-yan pops the ball.
Early!/Late!: The tosser looks worried as the ball gets tossed to the person whose name is called, and it stretches around. It is impossible to time it as such at the end of a set.
Miss...: The ball hits the tosser's head, distorting their voice, and pops.
カントクのことば (The Director's Words)
練習の成果が でてないな。(You haven't practiced hard enough.) あせってないか?(Are you nervous?) スピードに ついてこい。(Come on, follow my speed.)
う〜ん...(Hmm...) まぁまぁ、 かな。(Well, I wonder.) とりあえず...(For now...) よしと します。(All right.)
きほんが できている!(You've got the basics!) かなり おちついてる!(You're pretty calm!) 速さをモノにしている!!(You've made the speed yours!!)