The Space Kicker (リフティングマン?, Lifting Man), also known as knee-ball guy (リフティングマン?, Lifting Man), is part of a group of purple humanoids that appear in Space Soccer in Rhythm Heaven. They are led by Cosmic Coach (コーチ?, Coach), who judges their performance.
The Space Kickers are tall, light purple humanoids with dark purple feet, cone-shaped ears and small, white gloves. Similar to the Space Dancers, they have a square white face, a bracket-like smile, round eyes, and a big nose.
A space kicker's job is to keep a ball afloat as they float in space. One such kicker wrote An Essay on Keepy-Upsy, regarding their first experience of being launched into space, but they have gotten used to it. They mention their appreciation for their teammates as well, and that they're proud of being born a space kicker, thanking their two moms in return both in the US and UK versions.
A space kicker can be seen in the audience in Battle of the Bands. A pair of space kickers can also be seen dancing at a club in Rhythm Tengoku Gold Comic 09 にぎやかでおだやかな夜の巻き (A lively and peaceful night by Maki).
- In a now unavailable comic for Rhythm Heaven Fever, it is hinted that See at one point bashed a Space Kicker's head on a rock, incapacitating it. This is the only case of Space Kicker being in any media for Fever, and the only instance of a death in the series.
- Despite being known as "knee-ball guy", his voice is feminine. In Rhythm Tengoku Gold and Rhythm World, his voice clips are recycled from a scrapped rhythm game using a female announcer.
- Some other voice clips from the mentioned scrapped game are repurposed for Board Meeting, meaning the Space Kicker has the same voice as the Assistant in Japanese.