Rhythm Heaven Wiki
Music Corner DS
Music Corner Wii

The Music Corner[1][2][3] (音楽コーナー[4]?, Ongaku Kōnā) is a section at the Café where the player can listen to all the music they have unlocked through the Perfect Campaign in Rhythm Heaven and Rhythm Heaven Fever. It acts as a simplified version of the Music List part of the Studio in Rhythm Tengoku, and is further simplified with Play Music in Rhythm Heaven Megamix.

The player can listen to songs in order or shuffled. After getting all Perfects, the Barista opens up the rest of the tracks[1][2][3].

In the following lists, "♪" indicates a vocal song is used.

Music List (Rhythm Heaven)[]

Upon first creating a save file, only Title and Game Select are available. The list includes the names used in Rhythm Heaven first, then the altered name used in Rhythm Paradise where applicable.

Music List (Rhythm Heaven Fever)[]

Upon first creating a save file, only Title Screen is available. The list includes the names used in Rhythm Heaven Fever first, then the altered name used in Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise where applicable.


In Other Languages[]

Language Name Meaning
Flag jp Japanese 音楽コーナー[4] Music Corner
Flag us EnglishNOA Music Corner[1][2]
Flag gb EnglishNOE Music Corner[3]
Flag fr French La salle de musique[5] The music room
Flag es Spanish La sección de Música[6] The music section
Flag it Italian Gli spazi dedicati alla musica[7] The space dedicated to music
Flag kr Korean 에서 음악 코너[8] Music Corner


  1. 1.0 1.1 1.2 "I know it's not much of a gift, but I've opened up the music corner for you." ~ Barista, Rhythm Heaven
  2. 2.0 2.1 2.2 "You'll also be happy to hear I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista, Rhythm Heaven Fever
  3. 3.0 3.1 3.2 "Well, you'll also be happy to hear that I've opened up all of the books and songs in the reading and music corners." ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise
  4. 4.0 4.1 "そうそう、お祝いに、音楽コーナーと読みモノコーナーを充実させておきました。" (Oh yeah, to celebrate, we have enriched the music corner and the reading corner.) ~ Barista, Minna no Rhythm Tengoku
  5. "Pour fêter ça, j'ai rempli la salle de lecture et celle de musique avec de quoi vous occuper." (To celebrate, I filled the reading room and the music room with something to keep you busy.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (French)
  6. "Para celebrarlo, la sección de Música y la sección de Lecturas están hasta arriba de cosas para entretenerte." (To celebrate, the Music section and the Reading section are packed with things to keep you entertained.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Spanish)
  7. "Per celebrare la tua vittoria ho finito di allestire gli spazi dedicati alla musica e alla lettura, dove troverai tutti i brani e i pezzi musicali disponibili." (To celebrate your victory, I have finished setting up the spaces dedicated to music and reading, where you will find all the songs and musical pieces available.) ~ Barista, Beat the Beat: Rhythm Paradise (Italian)
  8. "그래요, 올클리어를 축하하는 뜻에서 음악 코너와 읽을거리 코너에 이것저것 준비해 두었습니다." (Yes, to congratulate All Clear, we have prepared things in the music section and reading section.) ~ Barista, Rhythm World Wii
Rhythm Heaven
Rhythm Games
Built to ScaleGlee ClubFillbotsGame DS 1-4Remix 1
Rhythm RallyShoot-'Em-UpGame DS 2-3Game DS 2-4Remix 2
Game DS 3-1Game DS 3-2Game DS 3-3Game DS 3-4Remix 3
Game DS 4-1Game DS 4-2Game DS 4-3Game DS 4-4Remix 4
Game DS 5-1Game DS 5-2Game DS 5-3Game DS 5-4Remix 5
Game DS 6-1Game DS 6-2Game DS 6-3Karate ManRemix 6
Built to Scale 2Game DS 7-2Frog Hop 2Game DS 7-4Remix 7
Rhythm Rally 2Fillbots 2Game DS 8-3Game DS 8-4Remix 8
Game DS 9-1Karate Man 2Glee Club 2Game DS 9-4Remix 9
Shoot-'Em-Up 2Game DS 10-2Game DS 10-3Game DS 10-4Remix 10
Medal Corner Endless Games
Game DS E-1Shoot-'Em-UpGame DS E-3Samurai SliceGame DS E-5Game DS E-6
Rhythm Toys
Game DS T-1Game DS T-2Game DS T-3Game DS T-4Game DS T-5Game DS T-6Game DS T-7
Guitar Lessons
★Basic Course★
Crop Stomp SongGlee Club SongBuilt to Scale SongFreeze Frame Song
Guitar Lessons
★Technical Course★
Munchy Monk SongSpace Soccer SongSplashdown SongFrog Hop 2
CafeGame DS B-MedalGame DS B-CreditGame DS B-Complete
Music CornerReading CornerPractice FlickingPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenRock 'n' Roll HallRhythm Tengoku Gold Comic
RTCMCSoundtrack coverRTGCVCSoundtrack coverRhythmheaven MAINICON
Rhythm Heaven Fever
Medal Corner
Game Wii B-1Game Wii B-2Game Wii B-3Game Wii B-4Night Walk
Rhythm Games
Game Wii 1-1Game Wii 1-2Game Wii 1-3Game Wii 1-4Remix 1
Game Wii 2-1Game Wii 2-2Game Wii 2-3Game Wii 2-4Remix 2
Game Wii 3-1Built to ScaleAir RallyFigure FighterRemix 3
Game Wii 4-1Game Wii 4-2Micro-RowSamurai SliceRemix 4
Game Wii 5-1Flipper-FlopGame Wii 5-3Game Wii 5-4Remix 5
Game Wii 6-1Game Wii 6-2Game Wii 6-3Game Wii 6-4Remix 6
Game Wii 7-1Game Wii 7-2Game Wii 7-3Karate ManRemix 7
Game Wii 8-1Game Wii 8-2Built to Scale 2Game Wii 8-4Remix 8
Game Wii 9-1Game Wii 9-2Game Wii 9-3Game Wii 9-4Remix 9
Figure Fighter 2Micro-Row 2Game Wii 10-3Karate Man 2Remix 10
Two-Player Menu
Endless GamesFork LifterTambourineRingsideMicro-RowFlipper-FlopLaunch PartyTap TroupeKarate Man
Endless Games
One Player
Game Wii E-4Game Wii E-1Munchy MonkGame Wii E-3Game Wii E-4 JPGame Wii E-5
Endless Games
Two Player
Game Wii PE-1Game Wii PE-2Game Wii PE-3Game Wii PE-4Game Wii PE-5
Rhythm Toys
Game Wii T-1Game Wii T-2Game Wii T-3Game Wii T-4
Extra Games
The Clappy TrioSneaky SpiritsGame Wii EX-3Game Wii EX-4
Miscellaneous Music CornerReading MaterialRhythm TestPerfect CampaignCharactersThe Rhythm LeagueRhythm HeavenLive House OGUSeika Relay
MNRTCMCSoundtrack coverDownload (6)BtBRPSoundtrack cover